On Service to beauty there are no days off and holidays. Gassy dusty urban streets, the dead conditioned office air, the scorching summer sun – all it only aggravates age changes occurring in a skin How to be? To leave for all summer in village. Or in mountains. As a last resort, on the sea.
Kavito-therapy – treatment of sea air is based on the fact that it is enriched with oxygen, because it is the sea, or rather the world’s oceans is the largest source of oxygen, which generate billions of tiny algae. The sea air helps bronchus remove harmful substances from their surface.

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A stay at the sea calms down and can help in treating a number of neurological disorders.
The easiest way to Kavito-therapy – are walks about the sea. The finding at sea coast promotes treatment of many disorders of nervous system.. We have to Kavito-therapy furnished terrace, where the patient is conveniently located in the armchair, they usually falls asleep, and the present sea air arrives from the sea. Duration of Kavito-therapy – about 1-1,5 hours. During this time, at the patient the condition of the top respiratory tracts considerably improves, nervous system, the organism is sated with useful iodine, the skin becomes smooth and wetted.
Duration 1 hour 30 minutes

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